Quebec to send two additional tanker planes to California

Resource loan
SOPFEU, in collaboration with the Government of Quebec, is increasing its assistance to the State of California, which is struggling with several devastating fires in the Los Angeles region. Thus, two additional air tankers (CL-415) and their crews, namely two pilots, two co-pilots and technicians, will be deployed there. The departure is scheduled for January 15, but it is dependent on weather conditions.
These two aircraft are in addition to the two air tankers already on site since the end of last August under a contractual agreement that has linked the County of Los Angeles and the Government of Quebec for over 30 years. This agreement, under the responsibility of the Direction générale du Service aérienne gouvernemental of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable, demonstrates the strong collaboration that has united Quebec and California for many years in protecting communities, infrastructure and forests against wildfires.
SOPFEU specifies that in collaboration with the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC), it could join forces with other Canadian forest fire protection agencies to provide a contingent of forest firefighters to California if the United States so requests.