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SOPFEU at the Montreal Adventure and Outdoor Show

Wildfire Prevention

As wildfire season approaches, SOPFEU will take part in the Outdoor Adventure Show of Montreal, held on March 22 and 23 at the Palais des congrès. The organization will use this opportunity to raise awareness among outdoor enthusiasts about the importance of adopting safe practices in the forest. In this regard, SOPFEU reminds the public that 28% of wildfires are caused by negligent actions during recreational activities such as camping, hunting, and hiking.

SOPFEU particularly invites young families to visit its booth to discover "pro tips" from its youth ambassador, Garofeu. A booklet filled with games and educational activities will be given to children to help shape the next generation of responsible citizens.

SOPFEU representatives will also share prevention tips tailored to anglers, hunters, hikers, and campers, addressing various fire causes such as discarded cigarette butts, improperly extinguished campfires, and the use of all-terrain vehicles.

Each year, an average of 452 wildfires burn across Quebec’s forests. Over the years, prevention efforts led by SOPFEU and its partners have significantly reduced this number. As wildfire and vegetation fire season approaches, SOPFEU reminds the public that approximately 80% of wildfires are caused by human activity. Everyone's cooperation remains essential to further reducing these numbers. Let’s avoid avoidable fires.

Information :

  • Head office:
    Stéphane Caron: (418) 906-6473

  • Eastern Region
    Isabelle Gariépy (418) 295-2300

  • Centre Region
    Josée Poitras: (418) 275-6400

  • Western Region
    Melanie Morin: (819) 449-4271