12 actions to protect your home
Why is it important to favour deciduous trees over conifers near a home to reduce fire risk?

Conifers have needles that make them more flammable than deciduous trees. Additionally, the resin in their bark makes them more vulnerable to wildfires.
Coniferous trees also tend to have low-hanging branches that can ignite easily, allowing fire to climb from the ground to the treetops.
If a home is located in or near a forested area, the presence of conifers increases the risk of wildfire spreading to the residence.
To make a home less vulnerable to wildfires, it is best to limit the presence of spruce, fir, pine, and cedar trees within a 10-metre radius of the house.
Deciduous trees, on the other hand, have leaves that retain moisture, making them more resistant to wildfires. To some extent, their presence can even help slow the spread of a vegetation fire.