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12 actions to protect your home

Enclose the space beneath your decks

Practical advice for the immediate zone.

Why is it important to close off the space beneath a home’s deck to reduce fire risk?

Driven by the wind, dead leaves and other plant debris can easily accumulate under the deck of a home located in or near a forest. During a wildfire, embers and sparks could enter this space, igniting the dry vegetation. This could quickly cause the deck to catch fire and spread to the home. By closing off the space beneath decks, the home becomes less vulnerable to wildfires.

It is also important to avoid storing flammable materials, such as propane tanks, firewood, and chemicals (e.g., pool chlorine), under the deck or patio. If a wildfire approaches and embers land near these materials, they can ignite and contribute to the spread of fire to the home.

The closer a home is built to the forest, the more vulnerable it is to wildfire. In such cases, ensuring that the deck or patio structure itself is fire-resistant can be a smart precaution. Wooden structures can be highly flammable and contribute to fire spread, whereas concrete or metal structures offer much greater fire resistance.