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Protéger la forêt

Permits and authorisations

Before Submitting Your Application

Anyone or any business conducting forestry work that presents a fire risk must obtain authorization from SOPFEU. If burning is required, a specific permit must also be requested.

In Québec, industrial forestry work includes any commercial activity involving the use of machinery or equipment that may generate sparks or heat.

Industrial burning requiring a permit issued by SOPFEU refers to burning conducted in or near a forest. It aims to dispose of materials, particularly woody debris cut down during land clearing, for industrial or commercial purposes.

From April 1 to November 15, obtaining an industrial burning permit is mandatory. Outside this period, it is recommended to contact your local fire department to inform them of your burning activities.

Authorization Request for Forestry Work or Industrial Burning

Please call the regional base responsible for the area where you plan to conduct forestry work or industrial burning. A web link will then be sent to you by email to complete the online form.