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Proteger les collectivités

Municipalities and communities

The protection of human lives and communities is our priority.

Forest and vegetation fires constitute a major public safety issue, particularly in wildland urban interface areas where the proximity between communities and wooded areas requires increased vigilance.

SOPFEU intervention in municipal areas

When a fire in an urban environment threatens the forest or extends towards it, an intervention protocol is put in place between SOPFEU and the municipal fire service. This protocol includes pricing applicable to suppression interventions carried out by the municipal fire department.

Install our Fire Danger Index on your website

Cities and municipalities can integrate a widget displaying the fire danger index directly on their website. This tool helps residents adopt responsible behaviours based on current conditions. We also encourage promoting the SOPFEU mobile app, which provides real-time information on fire danger and restrictions based on location.

Fire danger display signs

For remote areas where access to fire danger information may be challenging, SOPFEU offers the option to install strategically placed signs. These signs effectively raise awareness among residents and visitors about wildfire risks.

Risk mitigation

Municipalities and First Nations communities looking to implement fire prevention and risk reduction measures can submit their requests to SOPFEU’s risk mitigation service.

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First responder training

SOPFEU offers training programs for first responders to enhance their ability to effectively respond to wildfires and vegetation fires. These training sessions cover various aspects of prevention and intervention.

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