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A Great Mission.

The Board of Directors

A well-informed administration with a vision for the future

The affairs of SOPFEU are overseen by a board of directors composed of nine members, divided into three groups:

  • Three government-appointed directors chosen by the minister from designated representatives;

  • Three industry representatives selected from the delegates of beneficiary and territorial members;

  • Three independent external directors appointed from a candidate list developed by the nomination committee, unanimously supported by government and industry directors, and validated by the minister.

Directors are elected based on the nomination committee’s recommendations during the annual general meeting.

The board is supported by three non-voting officers: the General Director, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

Additionally, the board establishes and maintains statutory and/or ad hoc committees to provide insights, advice, and support for decision-making, contributing to the organization’s mission. Currently, there are four committees:

  • Nomination Committee;

  • Audit and Finance Committee;

  • Human Resources Committee;

  • Governance and Ethics Committee.

Board Members
Non-Voting Officers on the Board