

All fields with "*" are required.

General information

In accordance with the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (C-28), generic email addresses such as @ info, @ receipt, @ sale, etc. should not be used for fire hazard alerts, preventive measures and press releases.

Please seclect the type of information you would like to receive

Press releases
For periodic information on the forest fire situation.

Fire danger

Receive daily information on the fire danger risk in the forest. Choose the area for which you want to receive information. You can consult the map of the different zones by clicking here.
Consult the map of the different zones by clicking here.


Find out which measures are applied when the fire danger reaches a critical point. Select the type of restrictions for which you would like to receive information:

New fires by territory

This section allows you to receive information about active fires in the territories of interest to you.
Consult the map of the different zones by clicking here.